Journal – 6 weeks – The week we found out

So, I’ve decided to help me write the book, I’ll be going back through my own personal baby journal. I started writing in about week 9 and backtracked to the start.

We found out at 6.5 weeks and my first photo, the one above, was taken at 7 weeks. I’ve since taken a photo every Tuesday in side profile to monitor the growth.

I don’t find it beautiful, miraculous or magical. I find it interesting and figure that in case I only ever do this once, I would like to have a document of the time. Also – it’s pretty cool when you do this standing in the same position and then making a time lapse/ slideshow of the images and watching the body change. I’ll also be documenting the 4th trimester, as I (hopefully) deflate again.

My friend’s sister in law also did a cool thing with the baby where she took a photo each week on the same mat from the same angle. It’s a commitment for sure! But she did it every week, for 52 weeks. The first year of both of her children’s lives. At the time I thought “wow, that’s a lot and not sure I’d do it”. But now, I’m definitely committed to it. It’s really a lovely way to see the growth and changes. So I’ll have a record for me, and a record for my child of our growth at these important and once in a lifetime … times.

Anyway, I digress! Here are the journals for week 6 and 7!

Week 6 journal – 4, June 2020.
(we took our first photo at the 7 week mark)

(Note, in the journal, I write to the baby as well as to myself).

The week we found out I was terribly sick on Sunday, which I put down to maybe something I’d eaten on Friday, too much indulgence. But it wouldn’t go away. I was very sick that week, and despite a negative test I had to see what was wrong. 

So, after a negative stick test earlier in the week, I went for blood tests on the Wednesday, and then booked in a scan for the Thursday as per the doctors request. 

I got a call on Thursday morning saying that the doctor wanted me to come in earlier to talk about bloods. I got really nervous and called Matt to come home from work immediately. Well actually, I was hysterical. I didn’t want to go alone. I also still felt so sick and it was really hard getting out and about.

We walked into the doctor, sat down and he said, “well, you’re pregnant”.


Then I went and did the scan alone. I didn’t think to ask Matt to come in because at the time the COVID-19 restrictions were still in place. The scanner said because of the nature of the scan, a pregnancy, I definitely could have had my support person. 

And then she saw you.
A little jelly bean with a heartbeat.
I cried.

To be honest baby, I was quite overwhelmed when we actually found out about you. Even though we wanted you and had been open to conception. It’s still the reality of everything that’s about to change. It’s really real!!

I was quite daunted. Even scared. No, actually I was terrified. This is a huge responsibility and world changing, little one.

Your Mama was really feeling it. Along with being terribly unwell.

Your father actually did very well. I’m proud of him. I was surprised how calm he was as I’d always suspected a freak out. But he was cool! 

The nausea and sickness kicked off right away. And so the battle with the foods began.

So our official date of finding out about you little baby was Thursday, 4 June 2020.

Week 7 Journal – 9 to 15 June, 2020.

(Note, I’m writing this on 24th July 20 week 13 from my old diary.)

I was very scared and feeling quite unwell, that first week or two. I did do my first bump photo that week and knew I wanted to do one every Tuesday and track your progress. 

I went to see my kinesiologist which was great timing and got to tell her about the pregnancy. We worked through some of my own mother daughter relationship stuff too. And I had a lovely moment of healing towards my grandmother Jesse and reflections on our wonderful time together in Australia at the start of 2020.

Matt (my husband) was really trying that week, and he was so good driving me down to the kinesiologist as I was just so tired and so unwell.

I didn’t know how I would go on the drive or with the session in general. I really appreciated having his support.

By the end of the week, I was moving past the scared and worried feeling. It was nice to just listen to my body, and start focusing on rest. I’ve actually in a way been asking for an excuse to just rest for a while, so here you are, baby!

Published by Emma Lovell

My name is Emma. Owner and Director of Lovelly Communications, I specialise in Personal Branding and key messaging. I'm also the Australian representative for Take me to India, a luxury boutique travel company in India. I feel blessed to run businesses that give me the freedom to follow my true passion, travel! I'm happiest when I'm having new experiences. Whether it's a new cafe down the road, a bucket list item like Everest Base Camp or seeing friends in another city, I truly love travelling! So please join me in my many adventures across my many sites. And please do contact me for information on any of the above!

2 thoughts on “Journal – 6 weeks – The week we found out

  1. Ok, I’m crying now!! This is beautiful Emma. Thank you for allowing us a snippet of your personal journal entries. They are truly special. Do the ‘photo every day for a year’ thing!! I wish I had. I think that will be such a great thing to look back on in years to come. To see the progress and growth. I hope you are well.

    Selina xx


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